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Start Saving Money! Part 2 of 5 - Cooling

Part 2 of 5 regarding some suggestions to help reduce costs and improve energy efficiency in specific areas of your home.

Part 2 of 5 in the Start Saving Money series

You don’t need to sweat it out during summer to lower your energy costs. 


Follow these simple steps to keep cool and help lower costs:  

• On hot days, close the curtains during the day to keep the heat out.

• Use external shades on the windows to reduce heat infiltration.

• Use ceiling and pedestal fans before turning on the air conditioning.

• If it is comfortable for you, set the A/C thermostat around 24-26oC. Every degree lower can increase running costs by around 10%.

• Only cool the rooms that are being used.

• Close windows and doors when the air conditioner is on.

• Evaporative coolers work differently to air conditioners and are less effective in humid conditions. For these coolers to work air must be able to leave the home, e.g.through open doors or windows.

• If it’s cooler outside, consider opening windows at night or early in the morning to let the cooler air in before a hot day.

• Hang washing outside to dry, this prevents the house from heating up from the clothes dryer and saves on electricity costs

• Avoid using the oven on hot days. Try a cold meal or cook outside on the barbecue.