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Real Talk with Realtree Design & Build - Renovate or Rebuild?

Get an insight into how to make your build go smoother, stay on budget and end with a home you love to live in.

We're back with Glenn and Ceilidh (pronounced Kaylee) from Realtree Building & Design who are going to help out our community at Your Best Home with some insider information.

YBH: "Do I renovate or do I rebuild? That’s one of the most common questions we hear from people. What’s your thoughts? And what are some considerations that could help people make their minds up?"

Glenn: " With global warming and climate change, rebuilds are becoming the more feasible option."

"Earlier generations of houses were not prepared for the harsh weather conditions that we now face and the cost of general daily living. So, living in an older house with no insulation might be a cheaper initial cost, but down the road you will be thankful to have spent the time and money upfront to reduce day to day costs."

YBH: "So a knockdown rebuild is a better option?"

Glenn: " Yes and no because each house has is its own story. If the house had good bones and you are wanting to keep the charm and character of the certain aspects in the house, there is always a way to renovate and bring these kinds of houses up to modern day standards, but it does tend to cost a little more. Just goes back to what you are and aren’t willing to sacrifice.

"For instance we had this project in Port Melbourne where the home is over 140 years old. We wanted to preserve and bring back some of the beauty that had been hidden by years of different ownership. the stairs were a central aspect to the home and restoring them back to their original glory turned a simple walkthrough, into a centrepiece."

Renovating can keep the charm and character of a home... at a cost.

YBH: "I think many people are shocked at the cost of what they may consider a small renovation. One case was a bathroom renovation costing between $25k-$30k, is that standard and why does it cost so much?"

Ceilidh: "Actually that's relatively inexpensive in the current climate. As builders when we quote a renovation you have to include time for the unexpected.

"For instance, if you are pulling down a wall and you find there are hidden structural problems, that might turn a 1 day job into a 3 day job. If you don't factor that in then you are going to leave yourself short."

"New or knockdown rebuilds are a fresh start and the work can progress at a steady rate, most of the time anyways. Renovations can hit all sorts of unforeseen issues and that's why a relatively small renovation can end up costing the same or maybe a little less than a complete new build."

"Then factor in the pretty ridiculous cost of materials, supply chain difficulties and shortages and you have the perfect storm for costs going up."

YBH: "You are known for your high-quality work, but the building supply shortage is affecting everyone I’m sure you’ll agree. How have you been helping your clients to plan smarter and minimise the impact?


"Plan plan plan!"

"By spending time in the planning process, we can mitigate some of the delay issues once construction has already began."

"When we have begun planning for a project we had to start pre ordering and storing a lot of materials to make sure they are on hand ready to go once construction begins."

"Also preparing the clients to be willing to make compromises on items if they are not available. We have also had to change the way we order products."

"Asking multiple questions to suppliers about stock levels, and sourcing more local products, so we can pick it up instead of relying on delivery."

"Because of this strange climate we also have invested in equipment to be able to make a variety of products from easily sourced materials."

YBH: Another great insight for our community thanks Glenn and Ceilidh. Next time we are going to look at the benefits of using energy efficiency experts and a very impressive heating solution that was designed into your project in RedHill.

If you've missed the other Real Talk with Realtree find out:

·        Who are Realtree's Glenn and Ceilidh - Introduction

·        Budgets vs Expectations - Realtree's Recommendations