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Real Talk with Realtree Design & Build - Red Hill Innovation

Get an insight into how to make your build go smoother, stay on budget and end with a home you love to live in.

We're back with Glenn and Ceilidh (pronounced Kaylee) from Realtree Building & Design who are going to help out our community at Your Best Home with some insider information.

YBH: "Looking at your project in Redhill you incorporated a unique and very efficient heater by using the fireplace. Can you explain how that works? "

Glenn: "The use of a central fireplace between the two main living rooms areas allows the wood heater to be a main form of heating for the house. With this in mind we sourced the most efficient wood heater we could find from Chiminees Phillipe.

The engineering of the fireplace calls for a internal shelf inside the chimney to trap the heat and dissipate the heat via vents placed on either side.

Vents on the side of the wood heater dissipate the heat into the living areas

We also made sure that the chimney bent 90 degrees before the shelf in order to capitalise on the heat generated in the flu. By implementing these design criteria from Chimenees Phillipe, we have found this wood heater to far exceed expectations in keeping the home warm all winter in this especially cold climate with minimal wood burning.  

YBH: "You are known for your high-quality work, but the building supply shortage is affecting everyone I’m sure you’ll agree. Howhave you been helping your clients plan smarter and minimise the impact?"

Ceilidh: " Plan plan plan.

By spending time in the planning process,we can mitigate some of the delay issues once construction has already began.

We have had to start pre-ordering and storing a lot of materials to make surethey are on hand ready to go once construction begins.

Also preparing our clients to be willing to make compromises on items if they are not available.We have also had to change the way we order products.

Asking multiple questionsto suppliers about stock levels, and sourcing more local products, so we canpick it up instead of relying on delivery. Because of this strange climate we also have invested in equipment to be able to actually hand make a variety of products from easily sourced materials.

YBH: " If you could design and build your own high liveability, sustainable home what would be the key features you’d include?"

Ceilidh:" In a nutshell - Passive solar design. Why pay tens of thousands of dollars upgrading a home when you can get those same benifits for free!

Using the sun and understanding the climate you are building in  to heat and cool the home naturally as much as possible. We would also focus on smaller, highly liveable and comfortable spaces with a lot of natural textures and elements.

Glenn: " I think I would also keep it simple. Less is better."

YBH: "could you explain that Glenn?"

Glenn: " I mean that if you keep your design simple and the foot print of your home simple, then the materials used and overall cost can be reduced. Homes with overly complicated floorplans just end up wasting more in the long run. But having a simple home doesn't mean it has to be boring. There are skilled builders and designers that can help you maximise your look without sacrificing the liveability of the home. getting a designer that has a good reationship with a TPA or other ESD consultant can help you get a brilliant home that you'll love to live in.

YBH: "We want to thank you two for giving us your time and allowing us so much insite into your business and industry. We will hoepfully get to continue our discussion soon."

If you'd like to talk to Realtree Design & Build about your next build project contact them here

If you've missed the other Real Talk with Realtree find out:

·        Who are Realtree's Glenn and Ceilidh - Introduction

·        Budgets vs Expectations - Realtree's Recommendations