Flicking the Switch on Gas

Using gas in your home may be costing you more than you realise

When people talk about energy and natural gas, opinions differ. Is it harmful to the environment, or the last great clean energy source? Perhaps we shouldn't ask whether natural gas is a good source of energy, but instead examine what makes a good energy source in the first place.

Natural gas, primarily made of methane, is formed deep below the surface of the earth. Natural gas has no colour or odour. When it’s burned, it gives off a lot of energy that can be used for heating, cooking, generating electricity and other necessities. When burned it emits carbon dioxide making it a fossil fuel.

You might be surprised to learn that gas is not as clean and healthy compared with other fuels. Decades of marketing to Australians has led to several misconceptions about gas. In reality, it's a highly polluting fossil fuel, affects climate change and is affected by the rising cost of living. Science is slowly shifting people's opinion towards lowering the greenhouse gas emissions that natural gas can make. So what does this mean for you and your home?

Flicking the switch on natural gas

The Victorian state government plans to halve carbon emissions by 2030 and to drive down the cost of living. As part of achieving this goal, Energy Minister for the Victorian Government, Lily D'Ambrosio, recently announced the state government’s first “gas substitution road map”, which removes the requirement for all new builds to be connected to the gas network.

Incentives for residential gas products will be phased out during 2023; while new incentives for residents to move away from gas are now being developed as part of the Victorian Energy Upgrades program. Victorian households can now claim a $250 bonus for comparing their current energy deal with other electricity providers through a state government website launched this recently.

Using gas in your home may be costing you more than you realise
Using gas in your home may be costing you more than you realise

A 2021 report by the Australian Climate Council, highlights the adverse effects natural gas has on the environment and even suggests that burning natural gas in your home could lead to poorer health and poses additional risks for babies and children.

Key findings of the report highlight that:

  1. Unconventional gas development, including fracking, is exposing Australian communities to unnecessary health risks. Such as extraction involves many hazardous substances including those that cause cancer, interfere with hormones, trigger asthma and contaminate the local environment through airborne pollution and wastewater.
  2. Burning gas at home can harm our children’s health. Cooking with gas is estimated to be responsible for up to 12% of the burden of childhood asthma in Australia.
  3. Children and poorer households are at highest risk from, and most likely to be harmed by, gas production and use.
  4. Gas is a polluting fossil fuel. Governments can prevent health issues, and reduce harm, by helping households, and the country, get off gas.
  5. Clean energy alternatives like solar and wind are the key to a prosperous, healthy future for all Australians.
"Australia is blessed with some of the world’s best renewable energy resources"
"Australia is blessed with some of the world’s best renewable energy resources"

What are the alternatives?

As the cost of living rises and climate change concerns grow, government may introduce more laws to curb greenhouse gas emissions. As the seventh largest producer of natural gas in the world, this will mean significant changes for Australia.

If you're building a new home or renovating, you should plan now and consider swapping out your gas appliances such as your cooktop or hot water unit for an electric one. Compare the energy star ratings of appliances and choose clean energy alternatives that make it cheaper to run when your household consumes energy. Australia is blessed with some of the world’s best renewable energy resources. Solar and wind are great alternative sources of energy, that when designed right can bring your energy costs right down.

Greenhouse House teamed up to build a multi-award winning, 8 -star carbon negative home with no natural gas connection. Because it has the right solar system, the home produces more electricity than is uses. You might be surprised to learn that the house cost no more to build than a regular design, but effectively means having zero household energy bills.

Making the change from natural gas to electric may seem daunting at first. By making the switch, you are not only improving your own health and helping fight climate change, but you are also saving potentially $1000's on lower energy running costs in the future.